The Duoh Report (link here), is the first trip of our travelogue, and it will stay there for you to read, during a period of time (until the next comes up, most probably). The original version of this story was intended as a weekly blog post, back in 2009, when the basic frame (the Heads, Time Traveling, the Tigers, the shooting, the hospital, Wilma, Mongolia) was established. It didn't go further than that as blog material and was too skinny to make a graphic novel out of it. The following year the chapters were enlarged with new details (the Families, the assassination of the president). Later still the main character and author of the report got a name (Daedalos) and even a cat and a chicken for company, the text grew with new entries to be explored (the Greedy, Pop Eye) and finally a sketch for a theory of Time Travel (the Chinese Coin) was introduced. It still is a short story (it is a report) and maybe one day it will be illustrated and printed.
While you wait, please enjoy the latest version.